Natalia Kliśko-Walczak
eco_ structure_1_21
Faktura powstała z wypełnionych kart pracy dzieci klas I-III. Kontekst przestrzenny: faktura zastosowana we wnętrzu szkoły.
Projekt prezentowany na wystawie Synteza 2021: architecture | graphics | design
Happy Accidents
Neossis Thesaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum, Saloniki, Grecja
13.05 – 5.06.2021
Galeria Medium w Polsko-Japońskiej Akademii Technik Komputerowych, Warszawa
Łódź Design Festival
Poliarte Accademia di Belle Arti e Design! Via Valle Miano, Włochy
The texture was created from completed worksheets of children from classes I-III. Spatial context: the texture used in the interior of the school.
The project presented at the exhibition Synteza 2021: architecture | graphics | design
Happy Accidents
September 4–11/2021
Neossis Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum, Thessaloniki, Greece
13/05 - 5/06/2021
Medium Gallery at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw
September 16–19/2021
Lodz Design Festival
Poliarte Accademia di Belle Artie Design! Via Valle Miano, Italy